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The Importance of Fiber for Digestion and Development of Your Child

Did you know that your baby's health can be seen from his digestive health? One way to maintain digestive health and also the development of your child is to provide enough fiber food to your baby.

The Benefits of Fiber You Need to Know

High-fiber intake is important for consumption of the baby, because it is useful to help the body's metabolic processes, including by normalizing bowel movements, helping maintain intestinal health, maintaining the quality of stool and facilitating bowel movements, preventing hemorrhoid in children, these things help Your baby meets daily nutritional needs, and allows him to achieve a healthy weight. This will not only maintain the health of the digestive tract, but also increase endurance, so that it supports optimal growth and development of your child.

This is a Good Source of Fiber for Your Little One

Although fiber has good health benefits, often children are not appetite to eat foods that contain fiber, either because of the shape or taste that is less attractive to most children. In fact, many delicious foods are a source of fiber, such as those from fruits to wheat cereals. Here are some good sources of fiber for your little one that you should know about, including:
  • Nuts.
  • Berries.
  • Wheat bread and cereal.
  • Fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, plums, pumpkin and pears.
  • Nuts such as peas, green beans, almonds.
  • Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and potatoes.
The recommended dose of fiber for children from Permenkes No. 75 of 2013 concerning the Recommended Nutrition Adequacy Rate, namely for ages 1 to 3 years to consume about 16 grams of fiber per day, and ages 4 to 6 years around 22 grams. This means you can give about 2-3 cups of fruit or vegetables per day for your child. Make sure you meet the daily fiber needs of your child, given according to their needs. In addition, also supplement with additional nutritional intake such as vitamins and growth milk containing fiber vitamins and minerals that are needed for your child to support digestive health, endurance, and growth and development. Consult with your doctor for more complete information regarding your Little Nutrition.


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